Sermon Hosting
Swerv now provides unlimited sermon hosting with all plans. This has quickly become one of the most popular features. There have already been several thousand sermon downloads since the feature was added about a year ago.
You can easily attach sermons to any service. Swerv will generate a public link for the file that you can share on your church’s blog, podcast, or anywhere else you want to distribute your sermons. You can also use the service for sharing files privately within your church. Just mark the file as private and it will only be accessible to people that can log into your church’s Swerv account.
Service Reviews
Service reviews have received a major overhaul. It’s now easier to keep track of tasks and to make sure comments get to the right people. Service reviews are completely customizable to follow whatever structure your church uses. Each step of a review allows you to both add tasks and comments for people. Comments can be general, or directed to specific people that may need feedback.
At the end of the review you’ll see a prompt to send out emails to those involved. Anyone who has a task assigned to them or a comment directed at them will receive an email with their tasks and only the comments that were relevant to them (that means in the little colored box around their comment).
Swerv will show you any incomplete tasks at the start of a review. This is to help make sure they don’t get forgotten.
For more on reviews and why your church should be doing them, check out our other articles on reviews.
Song Suggestions
As your church’s song library grows, Swerv can now help recommend songs to you based on passages, tags, and lyrics. And this features is regularly getting better and more accurate.
These are just a few of the many features and improvements. If you’d like to know more about Swerv please get in touch. We’d be happy to discuss how Swerv can help your church get organized.